can you change the scale of a goZ export for zbrush?

hi everyone, is there a way to change the scale of the goZ export for zbrush? it currently is exporting to zbrush at a tiny scale...


  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983

    Maybe scale it up in Daz Studio - like 10 or 100 times larger - then try to Send to ZBrush again.

    Actualy due to my experiments with GoZ some years ago it was the factor 10000:1 of the Daz native scale compared to the GoZ export scale. I guess they still keep that scaling factor.

    I also discovered that, at this scale even the ZBrush brush size of one unit was too big for some things I try to edit.

    Instead of using GoZ you can also use a different workflow with exporting an OBJ file at the default Daz Studio scale 1 unit = 1 cm and then import the morph back to DS with Morphloader pro. This has some advantages but the downside is it is more complicated.

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,706

    Press F and the figure will fill the screen.  You want to keep the scale as GoZ exports. 

  • see devisee devi Posts: 60
    edited April 2018

    Thanks Cris Palomino and Syrus_Dante for your replies.

    Cris, I'm aware of the F key, but I'm looking for a way to actually get a bigger model in units. thanks for the suggestion anyway :)

    Syrus I tried scaling up and it seem to be able to use GoZ with the scaled up model, which is great. thanks for your help. if i can get it to a scale that is workable i guess i won't need any different workflow, but good to know of the option. I couldn't see any option to scale it up by degrees in 'tool settings' i couldn't see any units or percetanges of scale...does that exist in daz?


    Post edited by see devi on
  • see devisee devi Posts: 60

    Syrus_Dante when i scale up the model even just 10 times, it becomes hard to work with because the pan and zoom function don't really that a poroblem you experience?

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