Old Emotiguy errors

Checking the log file on loading Emotiguy I found a bone error .. Line 127 and edited it out of the cr2. That fixed I still have one error that does not assign a line number to locate where that error resides.
WARNING: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
does anyone have an idea of where this error on old Emo exists? I now have to fix my morphed cr2 to remove the 127line error and see what happens there.Thanks in advance for any responses.
That is not anything to do with the emotiguy but the png icon files in DAZ Studio has not assigned color profile (eg sRGB color profile is one type of color profile there are others that are valid too) embedded in the png files as required by the png specifications. It's not a warning that causes rendering or modeling problems in DAZ Studio. I think what happens in the open source png library DAZ 3D is using then assigns a temporary default sRGB color profile to the png file