Adding Blank blocks with Animate2
I've been messing around with animate 2 and created a simple animation. I decided to add another block at the end to extended the sequence, and experiment with creating multiple animate files.
When I tried adding another blank block, the figure pose becomes broken. Is this a problem with animate 2? or just how it works?
It shouldn't have done that. You could try saving your block (independently of the scene). Then reload a new scene and try the block on the character and then a new block.
I don't understand why you need a blank block - just add more frames to the DS timeline .
If you've already got aniMate2 blocks there, adding keyframes to DS Timeline won't work. They have to go in an aniMate2 block.
you sure can add frames to DS timeline after you add your aniMate blocks
just did it - give it a try .
Do you mean frames or keyframes? I was under the impression that NinjaUmbreon wanted to add animation keyframes in a block after an aniMate2 block sequence. You can't do animation outside a block can you?
you can add frames and add animation after aniBlock are add to the DS timeline .
My apologies then :) - that didn't used to be the case. I haven't got DS installed right now.
no need - they are adding thing all the time - hard to keep up !
what no DS - I am surprise - you used to use it - got a lot of good info from you
in the past .
I haven't switched to anything else - just not using it in working life at the moment, and no time to play :(.
yep real life comes first - all the best !
I just tried that and it didn't work. It would appear that the blank block sets the figure back to the default position, rather then keeping the old pose.
EDIT: I've tried extending the current block, but it gives me the same results as adding another block.
OK, so I just had to install it to see what happens :).
Kind of different from what it used to be.
I think the behaviour of going to the zero position in the second blank block may have been there for a while. But as soon as you add a pose into the second block it's fine and it looks like you can copy/paste keyframes between blocks.
But when I do Add Length, it keeps the pose for me. It doesn't reset to the zero position. Is it possible that you have conflicting keyframes outside of the block? (see below for removing accidental outside of the block keyframes)
But the keeping of the pose on the timeline outside of the block is totally weird. If you've animated part of the body in the block, then it takes the position from the block. So if you do a whole body pose outside of the block, it won't animate the whole body from the block to the pose. The part that was animated in the block is static outside of the block, whereas the part that was animated outside of the block is static inside the block. I guess it sort of makes sense. I don't think you'd want to mix the two though. You'd get unforseen results.
It used to be annoying when you'd pose and accidentally be outside the block, and then you'd move the playhead and the pose would disappear. So maybe this is better. Not sure.
One way of getting rid of accidental poses on the timeline is to use the menu on the top left of the Parameters pane > Clear Animation > Clear Figure. That will not clear the animation inside the aniMate2 block, but will clear keyframes that have been made outside the block.