Slow in menus but IRay renders fast.

I have asked in other forums and Facebook groups but nothing helped. I have sent a ticketover to Daz support but thought I would try here too and see if any of you can help me.
I load up Daz Studio 4.10 (64bit) comes up no problem. but when I go to my Content Library tab and try to look for my bought items it is realslow to react with my request. sometimes not opening the file tree at all.
Also any Tab I try to open is the same. takes for ever or nothing happens. And try changing view.. Default camera to Front or Perspective view is a nightmare too.
But once I have something in the scene moving around is instant, loading an item (once the content library has caught up) in to the scene is instant too. and Render takes max 3 to 5 minutes.
I chatted back and forth with many when I posted this in Groups and someone mentioned Virtual Memory which i changed from System Managed Size to Custom and filled in the recommended size.
This seemed to fix it after a restart of laptop. but to be sure and before I installed all my content I closed Daz and opened and the problem returned.
My laptop is a MSI GT72 6QD Dominator gaming Laptop.
Nvidia GTX970M
Intel i7 2.70GHz
16gb Ram
So is there anything else I can try?

What security software are you using?
AVG free
You might try disconnecting from the net and then turning AVG off, see if that helps.
No difference.
Laptops do tend to park the hard drives fairly quickly, as a power saving measure, which might introduce a delay on opening a content view or changing folder. You could also check that Edit>Preferences>Interface has Display Optimisation set to best, though it sounds as if the actual perfomance there is OK. Is the viewport using Iray or another mode, such as Texture Shaded?
View point is on Textured Viewpoint and that took 5 minutes to change. I managed to get everything working smoothly by changing the Virtual Memory to "No Paging file", but closed out and reopened testing if it was fixed and went back to the delayed menus and tabs.
Could it be cause its a gaming laptop? my desktop is older than my daughter and runs the same version without issue. (AMD Phenom II x6)
I would imagine it's a configuration issue, but I'm not sure what to suggest looking at. A gaming machine per se would not be an issue, but it does sound as if something is clogging or delaying the processing of events.
Is your viewport using hardware acceleration? By default it uses software acceleration which could be why you're having viewport issues. Go to Edit>Preferences>Interface and set Display optimization to Better or Best to enable hardware acceleration. If it is on Better or Best try turning it off to see if that helps. To solve the content browsing issue you can try to reset the database and re-import meta data. To do this click on the little dropdown menu icon when in Smart Content or Content tab (The icon is 3 horizontal stripes and a little triangle. It's at the top right of the tab). Then select Content Database Maintenance and tick Reset Database and Re-Import Metadata. You can also try the Condense Database option while you're at it.
I had problems with it in early versions, I can tell you what I did but I can't guarantee the results because when I do cityscapes or scenes with many objects it just lags as hell.
On edit>preferences>interface disable animations=on, Hardware Antialiasing=off, Display Optimization=best, Texture Resources=Performance, Multi-threading=on.
And the most important and annoying request: configure shortcuts for turning on and off the Aux Viewport and the Viewport Layout. Yes, this is shit, but the more viewports I have on, it lags gets worse. I loved to use them all but it gets impossibly laggy when the scene grows, then, it's better to use fewer viewports.
I have a desktop system with a GTX970, on the viewport it's usage peak is 80% but it works 40% most of the time, weirdly, on my old card it was not much difference...
Or get an older version... Daz used to bundle them in some 3D Magazines back in the day.