Need help changing lighting colour

I've recently started using DAZ again, but I'm encountering an issue with lighting. I've been changing the lighting colour, but no matter what colour I set it to, or what intensity, the lighting always appears white when I render an image.

Here it is before rendering, where the lighting is the colour I want:

Here it is after rendering, where the lighting colour has reverted to white:

Any ideas?

Post edited by Chohole on


  • The issue is also happening with pre-packaged lighting - no matter what it's set to by default, it always renders as white.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492
    edited April 2018

    First of all, which render engine are you using, 3Delight or Iray? Your light seems to be set up for 3Delight, which is probably the main problem if your render is Iray.

    Second, is the light actually aimed at the dalek?

    Post edited by MelanieL on
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