Setting up a new PC without redownloading in DIM

I am going to install Daz on a new PC. On my old PC, I installed most things with Daz Install Manager. This created the folder C:\Users\Public Documents\Daz 3D\InstallManager. The big folder under that is Downloads, where all my purchased content was downloaded before installing. But there are also Filters and ManifestFile folders. I copied the whole InstallManager folder to my FreeNAS file server.

After I install Daz itself on the new PC, I'm hoping I can configure the DIM on it so it can use my old downloads without needing to download them all again. In the Settings dialog, there is a setting for the download folder (defaulting to C:\Users\Public Documents\Daz 3D\InstallManager\Downloads). I can change this to point to the place I moved my old downloads, on my file server. (Or I can copy all my downloads to the C: drive of my new PC.) But what do I need to do to make DIM know that all these files are downloaded but not yet installed on the new PC?


  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    If you move your Studio library and have the new path in both the content management system and dim, you won’t have to reinstall anything

  • RaymandRaymand Posts: 62

    Thanks. I don't mind reinstalling because I thought I might reorganize my content librares while I did that.

    But, in case anyone searches this thread in the future, I found that if I configured the new copy of DIM (in the Settings dialog) to point it to the folder where I had all the zips it previously downloaded, then it figured out on its own that these were already downloaded and ready to install. In other words, DIM put them all in the middle, "Ready to Install", tab. I had just figured it had some configuration file somewhere that said what was ready to install, and it would not know these were already downloaded, so it would want to download again. But it was smarter than that. (I should have given it more credit!)


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