Still Don't Understand Hierarchical Pose Presets

Sometimes pose sets for sale will say something like this, which the Surge set of poses and props does: "The set uses hierarchical pose presets to make sure your props go where they are supposed to . . ."
I still don't understand what the difference is between just a pose and a hierarchial pose. Could someone explain this simply for me? I often save my own poses, and one of the options for saving is as a hierarchial pose. But I don't understand what benefit it would be to use one or the other.
A pose applies to only one thing, usually a figure. Hierarchical Poses apply to the base figure and to other rprops or figures parented to it, so for example it can not only put the figure in the pose for carrying a ladder but can adjust the ladder to that it fits correctly in the figure's hand and against its shoulder.
If I make a heirachical pose for Ollie 8 will it work with G8M, G8F, Edie, & so on? Most pose sets seems to use generic G8F & G8M in their preset icons.
It will apply. How well it will work will depend on how the changes in proportion for the shape affect it.
Not so fast. If you make one for Ollie 8, it will more-or-less work on all other G8M shapes. It will not work on G8F.
Thanks for the responses. So with a hierarchial pose preset, can I save a costume with adjustments, and props, and a hairstyle? Is there anything that could not be included in this pose preset?
Yeah, thanks.
Remember that it's a pose preset, it doesn't save items (a Wearables preset would do that). But yes, the Hierarchical presets can affect anything parented to the main figure when they were sabved
OK, I think I understand this better now.