Dforce and normal clothing

I got to wondering if I can use Dforce on normal clothing like the morphing fantasy dress or something. If I could use dforce on regular clothing the possiblities will be endless and super realistic.



Thanks for reading and have a great day!


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    You can add a dforce modifier to any surface. Whether or not you'll get good results depends on the item, for example if that item is made from pieces not welded together then some pieces might fall when simulated.

  • XadeXade Posts: 236

    Thanks! I'll make sure they are "solid" objects and not split. :D

    I'm new to Dforce so any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm pretty good about animating with cloth physics, I leaned Dynamic Cloth after all. See http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Insanity_of_Xade/5343629/ for one of my favorite draping jobs from my defunt webcomic. I'm currently working on a reboot. :) I had just started really exploring dynamic cloth when Daz ate all my save files and I had to abandon the comic. I'm super excited to work with Genesis. With the base/high resolution option I can lower the resolution and reduce the strain on my computer. Mind you the computer I used wound up going kaput soon after. :P

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