Iray Subheading under Daz Connect

Okay. I've finished my reinstall of everything and now want to take on IRAY.
There is a subheading under Daz Connect that is: Shader Presets>Iray>NVIDIA MDL Examples. (This in no way implys I understand anything else about these.)
Anyway: There's little spheres on bases that are marked Shader above and various items like Architectural and Asphalt below.
What am I supposed to do with these. (Now I will try to figure this out in-between customers coming in, etc.) Thanks.
Those are shaders (in the form of sahder presets). To use them select a model, and the suface(s) on the model that you wish to apply the shader to (this is easiest with the Surface Selection Tool), then double-click the preset. You will need to render (in Iray) to see the effect.