Camera wiggle


When I move the camera far outside the grid, it starts to wiggle. Is there anything I can do about it?

Info: Moving the other objects, so the car/camera stays at its place, is not possible in my case.

Best wishes,

1143 x 558 - 88K


  • ThomasScThomasSc Posts: 125

    Ok, found it out. Modifying "Distance to near plane" does the trick.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    That was a new one to me.  Thanks for the solution.

  • ThomasScThomasSc Posts: 125

    Too happy ... but didn't work. In preview, it' ok, but when I render, it doesn't work as expected :(

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Hi Thomas :)

    I can only reproduce that distortion on the production frame by moving the camera a few Miles away from the working grid,. (in a Medium (30ft) scale scene)

    I'd suggest either make a new scene to work at Large scale, or scale down your vehicle.

    You can also try changing the SCENE/Interface / Scene's Magnitude , large,.

    that should extend the distance at which the production frame distorts,. it'll still distort if you move it too far

    Hope it helps :)

  • ThomasScThomasSc Posts: 125


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