Changing Parent of Prop Changes Scale

I am having to spend a ton of time moving items around so that I can get them where I want them and do Parent in Place.

If I try to Change parent without doing it "In Place" it moves the items where I want them, but it re-scales them. Not sure why changing parent would change the size of my props. It doesn't make much sense.

I even tried parenting everything to a null and then parent the null to the prop that the items should be parented to. Even then it changes the scale.

Is there a way to keep this from happening?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    If you don't use the In Place option the item will inherit the transforms of the new parent, including scaling. You could perhaps try a two step - parent a null to the prospective parent, unparent with In Place on, clear scale, turn In Place off, parent the real child to the null, turn In Place back on and parent to the intended parent.

  • poorman_65poorman_65 Posts: 140

    Thanks Richard! That sounds like it will work.

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983

    I think you can change that by selecting maybe the Null or a Group that you parented your props to, then go to the Joint Editor and tick off Node Attributes: Inherit Parent Scale. It seems all Nodes by default have this setting on.

    If you now parent the Null or the Group to the other item (that seems to be scaled by something other than 100%), that should stop that behaviour of the child nodes inherit the scale of the parent items.

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