Convert a camera to a virtual camera?

Couple things, figured I ask first before making a product request.
Sometimes I want to convert a camera into the virtual viewport...viewer...the default viewing port that exists BEFORE you make a camera. Does that make sense?
So instead of choosing to create a new camera from the current view, I want to do the opposite and change a Camera into the default viewer.
Related as I wonder if it's possible to create a script that moves the active port a certain distance from an object. In your camera control doo-hickey you can press the [+] sort of thing and get a better focus on an object in the scene. BUT! If I want to jump large distances, I'd like to be able to select an object in the scene and run this script and have THE DEFAULT VIEWER move a certain distance (of the scripts choosing) from the object. Maybe with orientation presets. A certain distance from its central axis. Or always floor level pointing up...
Or a script that can CREATE A NEW CAMERA pointing at an object, and also a certain distance away from that object.
I know I can make a camera myself and use the align tools to move it about and then look through that camera, but I want to move the Daz default viwer about.
Any ideas?
Should be scriptable, though I'm not sure there is a current script to do the job (Rob has a related sample, which lets a proxy control the view so that chanegs are undoable, which should show the needed functions).