Twyla Hair Crashes Poser 11 Every Time

Has anyone else run in to this?

I applied Twyla Hair (DAZ3D product to Victoria 4.2 in Poser 11.  When I go to render with FireFly it crashes every time.  Delete Twyla Hair off Victoria and it renders fine.  Add it on, and it crashes.  I even re-installed the Twyla Hair files and it doesn't make a difference.  (It doesn't crash with SuperFly.)  

Is it a Twyla Hair thing, or a Poser 11 FireFly thing?



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Are you making sure that it is using the Poser texture, not the DS one

  • Db3dDb3d Posts: 248

    Chohole wrote, "Are you making sure that it is using the Poser texture, not the DS one"

    I'm not sure how to tell.  I didn't change anything from how the DAZ installer installed in my Poser Directory.


  • Db3dDb3d Posts: 248


    Okay, I went and changed the texture from the default, to one of the others that comes with it.  That worked.  Conclusion:  Something is wrong with the default blond hair that comes with it.

    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    It is quite possible that the default has been set up as a DS texture.   Glad it is working for you now.  

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