Twyla Hair Crashes Poser 11 Every Time

Has anyone else run in to this?
I applied Twyla Hair (DAZ3D product to Victoria 4.2 in Poser 11. When I go to render with FireFly it crashes every time. Delete Twyla Hair off Victoria and it renders fine. Add it on, and it crashes. I even re-installed the Twyla Hair files and it doesn't make a difference. (It doesn't crash with SuperFly.)
Is it a Twyla Hair thing, or a Poser 11 FireFly thing?
Are you making sure that it is using the Poser texture, not the DS one
Chohole wrote, "Are you making sure that it is using the Poser texture, not the DS one"
I'm not sure how to tell. I didn't change anything from how the DAZ installer installed in my Poser Directory.
Okay, I went and changed the texture from the default, to one of the others that comes with it. That worked. Conclusion: Something is wrong with the default blond hair that comes with it.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
It is quite possible that the default has been set up as a DS texture. Glad it is working for you now.