Texture Atlas not working as it should ....
Sorry if this seems a dumb question ...
I can't make Texture Atlas to work as it should ... I've seen tutorials and pdf files explaining how nice and easy is to work
with it ... but I can't seem to be able to use it . all I get is an empty windows when I try to use it ...
can anyone help ? ... pls :)
thank you in advance :)
Are you selecting your scene object first? It sounds like nothing is selected. Under the weighting tab in texture atlas you should see the selected object groupings. Did you decimated successfully first?
Thanks :-) I'll try this :) I haven't actually thought to check if the object was indeed selected :-D
I can't use decimator I do not seems to have the right serial ...
You have to purchase Decimator it doesn't come free.
^_^ as a matter of fact I thought I did but probably it was a demo :)
This is no time for purchasing :) I'll do without , thanks :)
The is no Demo version but I believe it is operational for 30 Days the first time you install DS4.5 +
yes probably :-) I bought the pro version of studio 4 when it came out ( and I paid money for it ) and never actually used the plug ins .... :) till now :)
Here are some notes I have written down for Texture Atlas. They don't cover everything, but should cover some of the basic steps to get you started. I wrote them for myself, so if anything is missing or confusing that I may have overlooked, let me know.
Select a node or a figure.
Click on the Texture Atlas's globe icon.
Adjust width and height of the map (preview image size). Change the texture settings width and height to something big enough that detail isn't lost when all individual textures are combined into this single large final texture. If all pieces of the image should be the same size uncheck "Weight By Image Size" and press the Reset weights button.
To avoid a huge texture, you probably want to increase the weight of more detailed parts and decrease the weight of low resolution parts so most of the texture is devoted to the important parts. You can also uncheck things that are going to be invisible. To increase or decrease the size of an image relative to the other images, double-click the numeric weight and enter a new value.
To test the settings in the preview image, press the Auto Arrange button. When all changes are done, press the Accept button to accept the settings
In the "commit to Figure(s)" window, press the Browse button and select a location to save the image to. TODO VERIFY change the "UV Set Name" to the filename of the image.
All your selected node or figure's textures should now have been replaced with a single combined texture (per parameter).
Thank you :-) that is very helpfull ;) :)