mesh disappears when trying to simulate in d-force

I have a strange thing happening to a mesh which I try to simulate in d-force. Part of it disappears when running the simulation. I tried reducing the mesh, as it seemed too dense and exploded. After reducing that seemed to be ok, but then the mesh disappeared. Or rather part of it. it is a uniform which I originally had as a single unit. The pants remained and simulated, while the top disappeared. After reducing some more the buttons on the sleeves stayed visible, while all the rest of the top still made a disappearing act. Does anybody know what the problem might be? I suspect there are too many overlapping elements...Or stress on the mesh... but I had other dresses work fine with things overlapping or being layered.
Check for stray and overlapping vertices, for one thing. You might also try increasing the Subframes settings to give it more chnace to propagate the energy out.
You mention buttons, are these rigid follow node buttons, attached buttons? If they are rigid follow nodes try turning "Visible in Simulation" to Off.
Next, I am finding that in almost every case of garments exploding even when they are made for dForce is the Bend Stiffness. Turn that down to .30 or even less and it generally will behave better.
no, the buttons were just disks and had the same quality of cloth dynamics as the rest. I don't even know yet what a rigid follow node is... which I have to figure out sooner or later :p. any hints you can give me on that front would be welcome.
hm.. ok. Vertices should be fine I usually clean stuff up in C4D. Trying with the subframes.
Ok... the culprit was an overlapping vertice. Took me some time to figure out how to get rid of it in MD but then it also took care of a nasty distortion in the cloth... so two for one. Now it simulates nicely.
I've had this happen too. Good info, I'll have to check the mesh in offending items.