Issues with 2x 980ti
I have 2 PCs, one has 2x 1080ti and the other one has 2x 980ti.
The 1080ti renders great, but when I try to render on my slightly older PC with the 980tis, every second frame turns out noisy in the same amount of time.
Of course I adjust the rendertime for each frame to compensate the power increase of the 1080ti, but like I mentioned, every second frame looks fine/bad.
For example:
I want to batch render 100 frames of a animation. 50 of those frames are fine but the other 50 are noisy (every second frame).
Does someone know the cause and how's that fixable?
Do the logs indicate that it is somehow cutting render-times short, or may be extending them oddly to other "limits".
Sounds like it is just resolving faster than it should, or maybe falling-back to an internal default render-setting.
Look at the number of iterations it reaches. That is the only factor for equality, related to noise between frames.
If, for some reason, it says it reached 100% resolve, or whatever setting you used... But if iterations reflect something like, 3000 then 250 then 3245 then 185 then 2840 then 312... etc... Then something is failing between frames. Could be a shader bugging-out, or a model may not be going into full detail... etc. (Something in-scene that would render faster, cutting it short of render-time, or extending it, so it can't resolve fast enough.)
A more specific example would be the following... (Requires a visual inspection of the output, to look for changes.)
1: Models hair or clothing not "conforming to the model", or "being decimated to a lower or higher level of detail".
2: Something "refractive", not rendering correctly, as if light is failing to pass-through, between frames. Such that it is spending more time trying to "figure out where the light is going", instead of rendering an actual resolved pixel.
3: Disco-ball reflections, changing angles, bringing more into the "frame of reflections", on every other angle/frame.
4: Depth obstructions, where items are dispearing behind other things, like in a city-scape. Making more appear between frames, to render.
I figured it out. Apparently the 980tis are too weak for SubD 4 for the scene I used but the 1080tis aren't.
Weak? Doesn't make sense.
I have a 980ti and have used Sub D 5; takes a little longer to process the scene; it might drop due to lack of RAM, but: No noise.
The only reason I can think of is that one of the cards is faulty, and perhaps both, which is less likely.