Weird Hairline and Transparency issues on Iray

The part near the hair looks greenish on Iray Interactive mode. It also appears greenish when an object uses opacity? transparency? ( I Just started with all this :p )
Whereas the issue seems to go away with Iray Photoreal mode.
These are all viewport previews but the issue appears exactly the same in Renders as well. I guess I have some problem with Interactive mode :s ..but its too slow to work with on viewport :s
The link leads to my gallery where I have uploaded the screenshots.
I have attached a pic that shows the issue in the outfit with transparency.
The scene just has a genesis 8, sporty ponytail hair and an outfit. No lights. All settings are default haven't tinkered.with anything.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Previews of IRay shaders using views like "Texture Shaded" will often show strange colors. It has to do with the mapping of colors from the IRay shader to the standard DAZ shaders that the UI understands. I've even had surfaces change colors in the main viewport when I changed a setting on a different surface. I've gotten used to it and don't worry too much. You can always temporarily turn on the IRay preview mode on either your main viewport or the Aux Viewport if you want to see what the real final effect will be.
Thanks for the help.
I guess I wasn't clear :s
The pic above is from the iray (interactive) preview in viewport. It appears exactly the same when I render it as well with all the green that shouldn't be there.
But when I render with Iray (photoreal mode) it appears perfect as it should appear.
Here's the link to the pic rendered from iray photoreal.
Is my iray interactive mode messed up? Andhow do I fix it :s
Thanks again.