Very unpleasant experience running Hexagon

I'm setting up a new PC (as some of the helpful folks answering some of my other questions may have noticed!). I downloaded and installed the latest Daz 4.10. Then for no good reason other than it was in the same download page, I downloaded Hexagon 2.5.something and installed it. Like a itch needing to be scratched, I thought, why not start it and enter that serial number I see in my Daz Account page? So I did. Very bad things ensued.

First, when Hexagon started, it warned me that it might not be stable under OpenGL 1.4. I clicked OK. I brought it up only long enough to paste in that serial number, then I quit. Nothing seemed unusual.

Then I started Daz. Instead of starting, I got this nice message box:

DAZ Studio requires at least OpenGL version 1.3. Your machine provides OpenGL 1.1 Please contact your video card provider to get updated drivers or upgrade to an OpenGL 1.3 compatible graphics card.

WTF?! I have a 1080ti gpu. That's the top of the food chain in the GeForce 10 line. Only Titans and Quadro's are above that. Besides, Hexagon had just complained about my having OpenGL 1.4. Unless someone can offer a better explanation, I think Hexagon downgraded my video drivers. So, I brought up the Nvidia GeForce Experience app, went to drivers, and (re)installed the April 25, 2018 GeForce drivers. After that Daz started just fine.

If Hexagon did what I think it did, that is very, very bad. I'm going to think long and hard before running it again.



  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,706

    Hexagon didn't change your driver. A recent Windows update likely did.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    Raymand said:
    I have a 1080ti gpu. That's the top of the food chain in the GeForce 10 line. Only Titans and Quadro's are above that.

    Just having a high-end card doesn't mean you automatically have the most recent drivers for it from the NVidia website. You said this is a completely new PC — if you didn't go to the NVidia site for drivers, Windows will install its own default drivers. These are known to be not capable of anything beyond the very basic levels of OpenGL specs.

  • RaymandRaymand Posts: 62

    Thanks! Before installing Daz, I did go to the Nvidia web site, and got the latest drivers, the Nvidia control panel, and the GeForce experience app that makes it easy to upgrade or reinstally the drivers (thankfully).

    I had run Daz the previous day, so I know it did have the drivers. But to Cris's point, I actually had not started Daz yesterday, when I ran Hexagon. So it is possible that a Windows update slipped in when I wasn't looking to mess up the drivers. That explanation makes more sense than Hexagon messing with drivers. But I will say, when I started Hexagon, the first thing it did was to bring up a message box complaining that my 1.4 drivers were "too new" (or something to that effect). This makes me think I did have recent drivers when I started Hexagon. Then I started Daz and it complained about my 1.1 drivers. Weird.

    At least it was easy to refresh the drivers with the GeForce Experience program.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Yeah, I don't know if MS fixed it but before I got my updates set to not install unless I ok it, MS kept trying to overwrite drivers from manufacturers with earlier versions they had. It was a constant back and forth battle.

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