9th generation name ?

I'm curious to know what will be the new name ?
Because there were 4 Millennium generations during 10 years, now Genesis 8 is the 4th Genesis generation.
7 years later, it's no longer the genesis (the beginning of something).
Post edited by Noah LGP on
There is no 9, cause 7 ate 9.
There's no Windows 9. There's no iPhone 9.
It's going to be Gen X.
Hmmm... X ... X-Men ?
It's already the confusion with Genesis 1,2,3 which are 5,6,7. If 9 is 10 nobody will understand.
Note: GenX is already used
They understood that 8 was genesis 4.
Millennium and Genesis are very popular words, I can imagine the next name could be Nexus (an important connection between the parts of a system or a group of things)
Seven of Nine?
After Victoria 7 and Victoria 7 for Victoria 8, Victoria borg 7 of 9 ??? No way
Genesis Pentium
Oh no, please don't give them those ideas! LOL
Nemesis or Lazarus or Jenova
Technically, "Genesis" means "origin" as in all the figures (of a given Genesis generation) have the same origin - that being the base Genesis shape (of that generation)
So there's no hurry to change it.
That said, if the are going to change it, I'd think generation 10 is the time to do so.
...if you understand that reference, welcome to the old sci-fi junkies' club.
Well, after the Millennium Woman and Man, the generation 9 name could be Alpha 9.
Unless there is a technological advancement that can't be achieved with Genesis 8, there's only one name I can think of for a ninth figure... Nein
Dude, harsh. :)
But correct.
Genesis E (fifth letter for fifth version)
Genesis Infinity
Genesis 9