Enable both CPU and video card in render settings?

Hi all!

Was away for a while, but I'm back with a new 1060 video card. I just installed it, and it's working fine, but I have one quick question.

Under render settings (advanced), should I leave both the CPU and the video carrd enabled under the hardware settings? My video card is much faster than my CPU, so I tried unclicking CPU to force everything to the GPU. When I do that, nothing renders -- it churns for a few seconds and then just stops. So now I'm wondering if I have some other setting wrong.

Anyway, thanks!




  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    Wow. I use nothing but the GPU. So I can't imagine, at this point, what's the matter.

  • franktuttlefranktuttle Posts: 67

    Looks like I've still got some work to do on the new video card install. I just thought everything was working -- now DAZ crashes as soon as a render finishes (every time), and my other programs are wonky too. I'm updating the video card drivers, but since my internet service is based on carrier pigeons and smoke signals it will be a few hours.

    Will update in a while, thanks!


  • franktuttlefranktuttle Posts: 67

    Updated the video card drivers. Tried another render -- it rendered, but I got the same message from Windows as soon as the render crossed 100%. "This program has encountered a problem and closed, blah blah blah." No specific error messages. I'll try a re-install of DAZ and see if that helps. 

  • franktuttlefranktuttle Posts: 67

    Still downloading Daz4.10, but I did discover that unchecking 'OptiX Prime Acceleration' under Render Settings/Advanced would let me finish a render.

    But they rendered at the same speed they always did. I searched the forums, found out how to check the render logs, and discovered my CPU alone was being used to render.

    I unclicked the CPU under Hardware, forcing it to go to the GPU, and this message appears in the log:

    2018-06-12 22:06:29.994 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(261): Iray WARNING - module:category(IRAY:RENDER): 1.0 IRAY rend warn : GPU 1 (GeForce GTX 1060 6GB) with CUDA compute capability 6.1 cannot be used by iray. 2018-06-12 22:06:29.994 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(261): Iray WARNING - module:category(IRAY:RENDER): 1.0 IRAY rend warn : There is no GPU available to the iray renderer. 2018-06-12 22:06:32.225 Iray INFO - module:category(IRT:RENDER): 1.0 IRT rend info : Resource assignment for host 0 has changed.

    I looked that up too. All I could find was that Studio version before 4.8 didn't recognize the cards. I'm running 4.9, but will replace that with 4.10. 

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!




  • Wallace3DWallace3D Posts: 170

    try the public beta

  • franktuttlefranktuttle Posts: 67

    Sorry for so many updates, but I wanted to leave a record in case this happened to anyone else.

    Installing Studio 4.10 (the current latest version) and all the current video card drivers solved the problem. Small renders that took me 40 minutes with my old non-Nvidea card (which meant my CPU, not my GPU, was doing all the work) now take five or six.  I knew the GPU was in play but I checked the render log and my video card monitoring software just to make sure, and DAZ recognizes the GPU now, and uses it. 

    I even unclicked CPU under hardware devices, forcing the GPU into use, and it *flies.* No more waiting all night for a big render!

    I have a six GB ASUS GTX 1060 and I couldn't be happier with it. 

    Thanks for all your comments. 


  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134
    edited May 2018

    Hi Frank! I'm also running a GTX1060 (6g) and I too had the problem with crashes. I was able to resolve it with the following settings, so maybe this will help you:

    First, download the current Daz Studio (which you're already doing, but I need to mention it because I'm wired that way). Under the Advance tab, uncheck CPU for both Interactive and Photoreal. Check OptiX Prime Acceleration. Under Texture Compression, Medium Threshold should be 512, and High Threshold should be 1024.

    Under the Render Mode setting under the Editor tab, make sure Photoreal is checked, not Interactive.

    Hope that helps!


    Post edited by Those Things on
  • franktuttlefranktuttle Posts: 67

    Thanks, Those Things! I left OpiX Prime Acceleration unchecked, so I'll check that and try it too. My texture thresholds were set for 512 and 1024. 

    It's *so* nice being able to render a scene and see it rendered without the passage of a holiday. Upgrading this video card was worth every cent.

    Next, a new MB and CPU....


  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134



    Thanks, Those Things! I left OpiX Prime Acceleration unchecked, so I'll check that and try it too. My texture thresholds were set for 512 and 1024. 

    It's *so* nice being able to render a scene and see it rendered without the passage of a holiday. Upgrading this video card was worth every cent.

    Next, a new MB and CPU....


    Oh yeah, you gotta check the OptiX button. Makes realtime rendering in the 3D viewport go so much faster and smoother. Saves tons of frustration.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    How much RAM does the card have?

  • Explain me please how to save the custom render settings so they to remain the same no matter which scene I load? Now after I restarted the app and loaded another DUF the max samples went to 1000+ again which I don't need; and in connectiopn to this how to set different render settings for the rendering and for spot rendering (mostly different number of samples)?

  • franktuttlefranktuttle Posts: 67

    Frank0314, my card has 6 GB. It's an ASUS Dual GEForce 1060 GTX. 

    I'm concentrating on fairly simple scenes -- mainly single characters for use on book covers. I know 6 GB might be a little small for rending big scenes with numerous lights and props, but from a deep dive in the forums I decided 6 would suffice for me. It also maxed out my budget, so...

    Handel, sorry, my technical skills are on par with that of a young blowfish. I'm sure someone else knows, though.

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    edited May 2018

    I'm using a Gigiabyte 1060 card as of last week and all worked fine until todays win10 update. After that, when loading and rendering a previous made/saved scene, all went wrong and got the same type of "WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(261)" etc in the log..... Updated the nVidia drivers, didn't help a thing.... tried all the advanced settings (disabling/enabling), no joy....

    Then I just tried something different; instead of LOADING my previous scenes, I MERGED them into the (empty) startup scene of my DS setup... tried 2 scenes sofar. all worked/rendered well with the GPU....... go figure....

    Now I'm not sure if this will work in all (my) cases, but just thought to share the experience here.....


    Edited to add:  it appears that after a 2nd system restart, I can reload and render existing saved scenes withpout a problem....... I guess the windows update had created several glitches (and not just with DS).... now lets hope those glitches don't return .....

    Post edited by glaseye on
  • franktuttlefranktuttle Posts: 67

    Thanks for the tip, Glaseye! I haven't had any trouble tonight, but I'll keep that in mind. 


  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Go to Edit: Preferences. There are entries there to preserve various settigns in your scenes andor override default settings. You can definitely set new default Render settings for yourself that will be preerved unless you physically changes them for a given scene.

    Explain me please how to save the custom render settings so they to remain the same no matter which scene I load? Now after I restarted the app and loaded another DUF the max samples went to 1000+ again which I don't need; and in connectiopn to this how to set different render settings for the rendering and for spot rendering (mostly different number of samples)?


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