Where'd My Plugin Go?

My Carrara Pose Helper plugin disappeared after installing two other Fenric plugins - Shader Power Tools and Pose and Shading Tools 2.
I tried a DIM uninstall/reinstall of Pose Helper, then tried the .exe, then tried an unzip-copy-paste all to C:program files/.../carrara8.5. And yes, i closed the[program.
Still no Pose Helper.
Still no luck. Something erong with the code hat makes it show up in the Edit menu?
Nefver mind. i got it
dare we ask? (for future reference?)
I assume everything 'looked' ok, but didn't work - what was the trick that fixed it?
(if you don't mind?)
Not only do I hoard content (urg), I hoard lessons-learned with equal vigor (constantly 'print to pdf' tips, tricks, and lessons-learned)
tnx in advance,
The trick was........TO LOOK HARDER. lol it was there the whole time, i just missed it.
vision impairment is my excuse. lol
durn, I already had that one in my notes from a good while back, but never can find it when I need it...
But still, I'm always up for a good reminder. Trust me, with this one, I *need* it.
now where'd I put my durned keys again?
cheers and tnx!,
In the sdoorknob? lol