Struggling to properly rig Fibermesh Hair prop

Hello all,

I'm working on hair prop, and created fibermesh hair with Zbrush, with multiple polygroups to separate surface groups when importing into Daz.

I created the figure with rigging bones, and got one figure including the whole geometry, separated with groups.

Now I'm block at the morph steps ; I brushed each sub-part in Zbrush to make separate movement dials for each strand, to pose them separately in DAZ, but I'm probably not going the right way...

I exported each morphed sub-part (strand, right, center, left etc) in a OBJ, but when importing the morph with the loader, I couldnt assign each of them to separate part of my geometry (my poly groups clearly referenced in DAZ), because it want to get the whole geometry matching each time.

Question is : do I have to play with weight influence and duplicate the entire morphs to move each part separately ?

For example do I need to export the whole posed geometry for each "global" movement, then assign wheight maps to each part, for each morph (a control dial triggering the same morph, but only for the designated face group I presume) ?


I you know the exact procedure, I'm eager to know it, being complete beginner in morphing... ^^

Thanks for your kindly help !


  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited May 2018


    You have the strands seperated in polygroups which is a good thing to also help you with splitting up the morph you did in ZBrush. Sounds like you did everything right.

    You can use the action in DazStudio that is called Clear Selected Deltas From Favourits.

    First use the MorphLoaderPro to load the entire Zbrush morph to the hair. Then do the following:

    • go to the Parameters pane and find the morph you just imported
    • click on the heart icon of the property to select it as Favourit
    • switch to the Geometry Editor tool and open the Tool Settings pane
    • select all but one FaceGroup (eg. strand) with the plus and minus icons
    • right-click the viewport and select Geometry Selection>Convert Selection>Convert to Vertex Selection
    • right-clcik the viewport and choose Morph Editing>Clear Selected Deltas From Favourits

    Now everything selected is deleted from the shape of the morph. Next you can import the same ZBrush morph again and use the method like before with another Face Group unselected this time. Its obvious to rename the morph property for every new import.

    Be aware of to clear the vertex selection in the Geometry Editor Tool Settings pane before coverting another polygon selection to vertex selection, because otherwise the new conversion is just added to the current vertex selection.


    Remove Selected Deltas from Favourites

    [PS]: insterad or in addition of using morphs you could also add child bones to the long hair strands to pose them seperatly.

    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983

    Oh wait I just tested this and there is an easier method.

    You can do this all within the settings of the morphloader pro.

    Here I've choosen the same OBJ file called Hair_Morph_ZBrush two times to create the morphs Front_Strands_1 and Front_Strands_2.

    You can use the Attenuate By setting to limit the moprhs influence to a Facet Selection > Face Group > "Strands".

    The screenshot will explain it better.


    788 x 769 - 215K
  • bbaluchonbbaluchon Posts: 34

    Wow, many many thanks for the tip, I overlooked this parameter... ;)

    Now I figured out how to use morph filtering, and going crazy sorting everthing out in proper parameter dials ^^

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