New Terradome 3 terrain?

Couldn't find any documentation on this.  Does anyone know how to make new 'terrain morphs' for Terradome 3?

(Essentially, what I would really love to do is create a height map image in something like photoshop, and then use that in TD3.  But I am sure thats not how everything works.  So the follow on question is once a morph is made for TD3, how can I export it to a heightmap?  Or, put another way, how can I get a useful image out of TD3 to then photoshop around on for UltraScatter maps?)

Thanks in advance for what I am sure will be a long explanation! 


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Boy, those are some good questions! I'll be watching here for answers.

  • RobotHeadArtRobotHeadArt Posts: 917

    You need a tool that edits geometry by moving the verticies around (Hexagon, Carrara, Blender, etc.) and then loading the morph in DAZ Studio using morph loader.

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