Rank Newbie weight map question

Help!  I'm stuck.

I'm no stranger to rigging, been doing it in Poser for years, but now learning DS.  I know what I have to do, I just don't know what buttons to push to do it.  I get stuck at this point with every outfit I've tried to rig. 8-(

Here's where I'm stuck.  I created a skirt and top. Used the Transfer Utility and one of Sickle's templates for the skirt. Now I want to tweak the weight maps.  

So I select a random part (doesn't matter which). Open the Tools palette and select the weight painting brush. As you can see in the screen cap I see the weight painting brush just fine. But the problem is, the weight maps aren't appearing and the brush isn't doing anything. I must be missing something somewhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction?  I don't have much hair left. LOL



1920 x 1050 - 499K


  • DeeceyDeecey Posts: 153

    While waiting for the post to get approved I think I figured it out. I found the "Weight Maps" tab in the weight map brush palette and selected "General Weights". That's what I was missing.

    Next question ... dforce.  Trying to figure out how to make the upper portion (belt area) of the skirt fixed, and only make the skirt part dynamic.  So much to learn!

  • DeeceyDeecey Posts: 153

    Perfect, thanks for the tips!

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