Growing Up for Genesis2 Female Base (Now Available) (Commercial)

Sneak peak at project Growing up. I used lots of medical reference for proportions, shape and scaling with regard to different age groups. (body and face) The product will start from 5 years old and from there you can create any age you want up to the Female base shape (adult). Here are some WIP shots. Will also probably have some breast shapes to the relative age groups, so far I have not made any so ignore the chest area for now lol. There has been requests for child and teen morphs for Genesis2, so I thought I'd give it a go and it is something I always wanted to try.

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Post edited by Zev0 on
Comparison between Kids4, Genesis basic child morph and Genesis2 5 year morph.
Examples of how the face changes as the slider is dialed. Second pic is with a face morph applied.
Some test renders. One of a young teen and of a child.
Face looks good to me. Much improvement over past generations AFAIC.
Legs? I think they're too long, as is her torso.
I also think she's thinner than the average 5 year old, even in this day of PC.
Her back posture? Doesn't look right for a kid to me.
In all she kind of looks like she has super model proportions.
Looks good, need to keep my eye on this one.
I assume you're going with the averages on proportions and sizes, which is fine.
The 5 year old does look a little on the tall and thin side, but to me it looks like the sort of kid who comes from tall parents, never seems to eat and is always outside trying to keep up with the big kids.
Yes, the average on proportions and sizes. This is for the Base shape, so average is the safest option. The 5 year morph is around 42" tall. Guess I can thicken her up a bit with a morph that you just dial in:)
This might actually get me to take up gen2f. Love your morphs...if someone comes up with an official male morph for the figure as well you may just convert me. ; )
Wow, that looks great Zev0 !!
Impatient to see that product in the store ! : )
Definitely interested in this. Looks good!
Hope this comes out soon. Thanks for all your great products.
Here is an updated version of the child and teen comparison both in default state and next to them with the child weight morph dialled up slightly. Still need to tackle the breasts but its getting there.
That looks good. My mom instincts of "are you eating enough" don't kick in with the slight weight. :)
(Not that I'm one to talk. I spent my childhood in the 5th percentile for height and weight, and my mom changed pediatricians at least once because of it. My daughter is only slightly better... she's in the 10th.)
Here is the child with the child weight morph at full. You can even combine it with the normal weight morph if you want a fatter kid.
Just wondering, would it be possible to tilt the pelvis slightly forward for the younger ages, tuck it under a bit? One of the things I noticed with G2F/V6 is that her pelvis is tilted further back than any previous generation, possibly to make high heeled poses work better. However, if she's not wearing high heels, it makes her look swaybacked in all other positions.
Already got a few Posture presets made:)
Well, just let me put it this way: Zev0, DAZ really needs to send you a big fruit basket one day :D
Great work Zev! Love your creations so much!!
Also, fantastic work on your latest products and great promo's... Shape Shift specifically, I was wowed by those promos :)
Another must have!
Thanks guys. Here is a shot of the presets on the Gen2 Female Base. You will be able to make your own, these are just guideline settings. Still have a few custom shapes to make etc...
Will definitely keep watching the progress on this. You've managed to bypass the bulky shoulder problem that people have been grousing about since K4 came out.
This actually looks pretty interesting.
I will say this much, Zev0. Despite all the confusion and chaos, you really do show that you care about our concerns. You are seriously earning my respect. :)
Cool thanks man:) Just doing what I can to give people more options:)
Unlike Genesis, Genesis 2 Female has the proper pelvic tilt for an adult female. Since pelvic tilt doesn't, on average, start to develop until age 10 the future Genesis 2 Male base may be better for young girls.
I'm sold. Thank you ahead of time.
The product will come with a Child Posture morph that you can dial up to your liking with any age. Here is a before and after example.
How did I miss this thread? Basic child was one of the major morphs I missed from Genesis 2 and this looks like an amazing replacement. The proportions are looking superior to the classic Genesis child, and perhaps even better than K4. I can't overstate how much I'm looking forward to playing with these morphs. The only catch is that I need to find a way to get younger looking textures working with the new Genesis.
Thank you for doing this. It's filling a void which was sorely needed.
Looks like you've addressed my concerns. This is so much better than a one morph fits all solution. Like HoF I wonder how to get appropriate textures.
Well, if you have texture converter2 you can convert K4 sets to V4 and save the V4 set as a .duf which can be used on Genesis2 if you have the V4 clone.
It's a terrible shame that the textures can't be applied directly though. Not MallenLane's fault, but it seems odd to me that Daz made the surfaces so... um... weird. Really I can't make head nor tail of the new Genesis surface arrangement so I've been sticking with what I know and only altering the surfaces under 'classic genesis' style names.
Think it has to do with texture stretching. Think they preffer UV sets on the figure that eliminates most of that. V4 UV stretches badly in quite a few places eg the breast area and thigh's so its understandable why they would only want texture UV's that perform better in that regard. It is a bummer, but I think they want people to start using more current texture sets that have been improved. But at least we can still use V4 sets with MallenLanes Clone:) Just save as a duf:)