"Lost in Space" , ETC., Wacky Ideas for Wacky Modeling

In case you are interested in modeling things from the 1960s "Lost in Space" TV series as a challenge for your Carrara modeling skills, and just for fun, here sre some websites that may be useful.
The Jupiter 2 box cover looks lind of like a Bryce render.
Lost In Space Jupiter 2 II 18" Plastic Model Kit
Lost in Space action figures and models
Timeless Hobbies Lost in Space
Cult TV
Lost in Space Chariot - 50th Anniversary reissue 1:24 scale from Moebius Model
Lost in Space EBAY
Collectibles Everywhere

thanks :)
need the lunchbox !!
and the thermos
how many thermos fell and broke the glass inside doh
and more harry potter stuff, like the trolley on the hogwarts train.
he bought the wholw lot for his friends. thats a childhood dream come true.
gringotts tee hee
head wax, ... your welcome ... and here are another bunch of wacky ideas for wacky Carrara models.
I am learning Hexagon modeling at the present, and next I am going to try to learn Carrara modeling, and eventually rigging and finally before I kick the bucket create some goofy animations
I got all these attached images from the "Monsters in Motion" website.
Your pics and links make for some great subjects, FlashGarcia. Stezza works so efficiently that I think he will have the whole bunch done by next weekend.
Here is a different category that I intend to work on one day.
Stezza has already modelled Lost In Space vehicles, very nice models as well !!!!!!
one of my first inspirations to start doing modeling was the Seaview form VTTBOTS .. in the original DAZ forums I posted if it was available ( it wasn't at that time ) and if not I may have a go at it myself.. someone replied ( can't remember who ) and said give it a go.. so I did
after that I wanted to do the props I used to collect from the cereal packets... I then started on Crazy Critters ... I had them all when I was a kid lol
and thanks @Bunyip02
Every Christmas I re-watch my DVDs of the Raskin/Bass "Rudolph" and " Santa is Comin to Town". Great humor and animation. The"kid" in me is still alive which is probably why I like web stores like Archie McPhee and Sinister Cinema. Maybe I should have called myself Retro-Lad.
I was a plastic "Crunchy" critter fan (from a cereal box) and had to go everywhere with "Crunchy" in my pocket until he melted in a washing machine because I somehow forgot to take him out of my pocket one day. Crunchy was designed for attachment to forks and spoons, so I always had him on my spoon when I ate my breakfast until the melting disaster.
Mike's Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea fan website is great. He even has the blueprints of the Seaview posted somewhere on his site. My brother bought me an Aurora model of the Seaview, and the Flying Sub, when I was a kid. Where are they now?
I attached some screen pics from one of the "wackeist" episodes of "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea", titled the "Deadly Dolls".