Geografts suddenly messed up in DS 4.10 [public build]

TomCatOliverTomCatOliver Posts: 195

I've got the 4.10 public build installed, so that I can keep DS 4.9 on the pc just in case I wanted to go back to it for some reason - thought I've only been using 4.10.

All of a sudden, none of the geografts for either G3F, G3M or G8F are applying correctly. I don't have any geografts for G8M, but I assume they'd be messed up too.

Before lunch, I was using the Legacy UV's - V4 for G3F with no problems. Came back after lunch, loaded up a different scene and found that any geografts are applying with "poke through". It's the same with any type of geograft - legacy uv's that have the geograft "patches" for the head, shoulders and legs, or the anatomical elements (official and 3rd party ones).

Curiously, they all work fine in DS 4.9, it's just the same content in 4.10. I tried loading a figure and applying the anatomical elements in DS 4.9, saved it as a scene and opened it in 4.10, and sure enough, the geograft is messed up again.

Any help would be appreciated...

Post edited by TomCatOliver on


  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136

    I think you'll find that you are in "Geometry Editor" mode, which gives the impression you are describing.  Check your Tool Settings tab.

  • TomCatOliverTomCatOliver Posts: 195

    I think you'll find that you are in "Geometry Editor" mode, which gives the impression you are describing.  Check your Tool Settings tab.

    That was it! Thanks, that's useful to know for the future.

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