pw Shaders problem (solved)

MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966

I have recently got and I have problem as it seems it doesn't work. I have installed it manualy and I think I have done it good as with all others shaders I am using.


But there was unusual folder (DS 4.5 ds 4.4 public build private build - as seen on pictures 1-3, i opened that folder and copied shaders folder and changed name to shader presets to have both as more common is shader presets and I use it mostly)


Now I am trying to use for example pw Efect and Offline Documents (online site seems to be offline) says that I need to apply first pw Effect neutral but interestingly nothing happens even there is no undo action as nothing has happened (tutorial says i need to choose object and one material. I don't know how to choose material, I know how to apply usual shaders in surface tab, but I am not sure what material is). Then I try to aplly shaders from pw Effects sources and some works some not but they all doesnt work good, and it seems something is missing. It can be seen on pictures 4-6. Also one curious thing is that pw ghost doesn't have Neutral file like others and later other source shaders doesn't work good either, as they needed Neutral file first. It probably assumes that it is Neutral file from pw Effect as I have seen similar shaders there if not the same.


That is about it. I have read some threads on the forum about pw shaders but I still can't figure how to use them. I am using daz studio 4.10 latest version and I am also not sure if these shaders are supported in it, or maybe I have not installed them good (as they have some script files, but I think I did probably))


Please help me with this, I really want to work with this shaders as they look very good.



2018-05-18 18_13_20-New Folder (5).jpg
978 x 323 - 41K
2018-05-18 18_13_38-DAZ Studio_4.5;4;4.x Public Build;4.x Private Build.jpg
574 x 119 - 7K
2018-05-18 18_14_14-DAZ Studio_4.5;4;4.x Public Build;4.x Private Build.jpg
542 x 85 - 7K
2018-05-18 18_27_47-DAZ Studio 4.10 Pro.jpg
1862 x 933 - 235K
2018-05-18 18_29_03-DAZ Studio 4.10 Pro.jpg
1840 x 907 - 232K
2018-05-18 18_30_21-Render(1_1).jpg
405 x 671 - 54K
Post edited by MilosGulan on


  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885

    Did you double check that you're using the right render engine?  pwShaders were developed long before Iray was a thing.  I still use them frequently when rendering in 3delight, so I hope I can help you. 

    Now, there has been some disruption on using them over the years, and some features (notably background catch) don't work correctly any more.

    As for selecting a material - in this case, selecting a given surface is what they mean, so you're doing that correctly, though they don't seem to be applying, which would imply that there was a mix up with installation.

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited May 2018

    Yes, I am using 3delight only as my computer is a bit old. Now I need to see how to make them work if possible, please angel.

    Post edited by MilosGulan on
  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885

    If you go up one folder level, to the base pwEffect folder, there should be a pwEffect icon (pwEffect.dsb)  Try using that as your neutral.

    (I'd completely forgotten that the "neutral" icon in the resources folder doesn't work.)

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited May 2018

    No it doesn't work. It is the smae like nothing happens and there is no action that I can undo.


    Here is my folders structure. I am using 2 terabyte external HD to store my DS content.


    This is main DS folder G:\DS\Library\Shader Presets\pw Effect DAZ

    and this is my Shader collection folder G:\DS Art Works\Shaders\!Shaders Collection\Shader Presets\pw Effect DAZ


    Both doesn't work. I don't know why. I have installed all other shaders in my !Shader Collection folder and they work. I also have Atmospheric Effects Cameras for DAZ Studio (it seems it is deleted from the store as there is no View Product Store Page link anymore) and Installed it, it also has some problems and doesn't work fully but it works and I have installe it in DS/Library folder.


    But I am not sure what I am doing wrong with this one.



    Post edited by MilosGulan on
  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885

    Is there an icon in the Shader Presets\pw Effect DAZ folder for either of them?  It should be just pwEffect.  That's the actual neutral.

    Having the shaders installed multiple times shouldn't be an issue, as I have them installed twice too, but just to be sure, maybe temporarily move one folder to your C drive or something and see if the other one works.

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited May 2018

    Yes it is but they don't work either of them. I tried deleting one pw Effect folder but it also doesnt make a difference. Here are pics with my folder structure. I am not sure  waht are those .sdl files for and I tried to copy them in pw effects folder but it doesn't make it work wither. Sorry for being away needed to go to neighbour and now I will have to go again. Will be back in 10-20 minutes. Here are pictures:

    2018-05-18 21_28_06-Shader Presets.jpg
    639 x 627 - 70K
    2018-05-18 21_28_25-pw Effect DAZ.jpg
    549 x 175 - 14K
    2018-05-18 21_28_50-pwEffect Resources.jpg
    662 x 939 - 128K
    Post edited by MilosGulan on
  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited May 2018

    No rush.

    I just downloaded the pwEffect manual install (my last install was way back when they still used .exe installers) and I'm looking at it.

    Just double checking - what did you do with the scripts from the Public Build folder?  They need to be in (base Directory where DazStudio.exe is located)/Scripts/Support

    one more edit. To clarifiy in case I'm not making sense:

    In the Public build folder, there were two folders, one Scripts one Shaders.  That Scipts folder needs to be merged with the Scripts folder that is in the directory where DazStudio.exe is located.

    Post edited by DaWaterRat on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966

    It works. Thank You very much. The problem was I have my DAZStudio.exe on D:\program files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 and when I copied those files there it works. I tried to copy them on G:\DS\library where are my DS library files. Thanks for Your help. Now I will try to use those shaders laughangel

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885

    Glad to be of assistance. :)

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