DAZ Originals Leather & Fur

nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333


I am using the 3DU 'The Old Shoehouse' and when I render it at 4K it means fortunately only the leather texture blurry. So I have the DAZ Originals 'Leather & Fur' iRay shaders and so I replace the original leather materials on the shoehouse with the DO Leather & Fur leather and tile x30. Now though there is a clear tiling pattern on the shoe from the DO leather materials.

How to make the tiling moire patterns go away without setting tiling to x1? I thought all such iRay materials that are sold as tiling were meant to be seamless with no moire patterns when tiled above x1 but that is not the case. 

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  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Nevermind - I just tried different products I have bought until I found one that doesn't have tiling seams.

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