Another morphing question

TheCedizTheCediz Posts: 172

Hi! I have here a full charater morph that I did while ago. The morph includes the body and the head, but I'd like to recreate a morph from this character that doesn't include the head and face shape so I can apply it on a new genesis 3 model. I am sure it is possible; it might be hard or super easy and I just don't see atm. 

One idea that I have but dont know how to do would be to morph lock the head part of a G3F model and apply my full character morph so that the head is not changed. Then create a new OBJ morph from it. Does that make any sens? Is morph locking some kind of thing with Daz?

Does anybody have a strategy to go on with that? 

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847

    There's a new product that would do the job for you, , though you can do it yourself using Morph Loader pro with the attnuate options or using the Geometry Editor (though that will give an abrupt transition, both X-Morphs and attenuating in Morph Loader pro via a weight-map allow a smooth transition).

  • TheCedizTheCediz Posts: 172

    Thx for your answer Richard! I saw that product but didn't read throught it. Thats exactly what I want! I'll try to work out the attenuate option first tho.


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