Decimator plugin and morphs

Hello guys. I'm thinking to get the Decimator plugin, so quick question about it: how does it handles morphs (jcm, fbm etc)? Does the reduced mesh still have morphs?

And in general, how does it compare to other programs like Simplygon?

Thank you



  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    anyone? I've always wondered this as well.

    (@annaputrino thanks for the 'simplygon' reference. I have decimator, but always like to know about available tools!)

    thanks in advance,


  • InuGamesInuGames Posts: 65

    I found my answer

    Simplygon is a pretty advanced program, and it's free (base version). But simplified mesh loses morphs. It seems it's a feature of the pro version (extremely expensive).


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