Model hands massive

plarffplarff Posts: 278

Hi all

I used one of the models in DAZ not sure which one of the top of my head and made her younger using an age morphing add on but her hands are massive and very old looking. Ive scaled them down to about 80% but still long fingers and big hands. Looking at her in full view it does not appear at first so big but close up it's huge.

Any way to reduced it proportionately ? Below are best images describing the size. Trust me when i say it's big

1920 x 1080 - 546K
Post edited by Chohole on


  • bbaluchonbbaluchon Posts: 34
    edited May 2018

    Hand size looks correct, proportionnaly to the face at least (our deployed hands are about the size of our face).

    For the "aged" looking, you could try to reduce the bump values or directly alted the texture to soften the folds.

    Finally, to correct the finger's thickness (you main problem IMO), you may be able to find a morph somewhere, or create your own maybe ?


    Alternatively, try exporting the base model with correctly morphed hands (maybe with a full body teen-child morph) in OBJ format, then loading it on your final character with morph loader pro, then activating the "attenuate by..." option to restrict the morph to the hands only (with the help of face groups).

    Post edited by bbaluchon on
  • nakamuram002nakamuram002 Posts: 795

    POTUS has small hands, maybe he should be your model!!

    Do you have this package: ; You should be able to use the Hands Shaping morphs to get what you want.

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