Using Smoke

Trying to use smoke but it shows up as a block around my character. How do I make it to look like actual smoke.I need to be able to change the opacity some how so you can see through it? I know it has to be something simple I am missing.


  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 926

    Which specific product are you asking about?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The block is probably caused by a problem Iray has with lights that are behind a transparency and in line with the camera's view.

  • AngelmanAngelman Posts: 42 ; this is what I am using..The smoke after Iray render shows to be solid and not real looking

    989 x 725 - 195K
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Click on the smoke and look under the shader tab and see if it is an Iray shader. If not then run the Iray Uber shader on it and see if it helps.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    It may be that if the shaders are 3dl and they are being converted, then the transmap or cutout opacity settings are being lost durring the conversion.

    Check the opacity/cutout opacity in the surface materials and make sure there is an image and the slider is adjusted appropriately.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited May 2018

    someone else mentioned this, I believe it is an uber volumetrics shader for 3Delight, iray does not do volumetrics yet

    (I suspect the engine can as Octane render can with openVDB but it has not been encoded in the DAZ studio engine as of yet)

    well there is potential to do voxels if someone can code it

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Oh, I'm getting a 404 for that item so maybe it wasn't the one I was thinking of.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    If you want to do it in Iray, there's a trick to doing smoke and fog-like stuff.

    Basically, start with glass or water shader. Change Refraction Index to 1. It will now be invisible. Make sure Thin Shell is Off (which makes it behave like a solid rather than a glass ornament)

    Set SSS Weight to, oh, .0001. Adjust until it's foggy enough. This is good for mist and light smoke.

    For darker fog/smoke, set transmitted color to some type of gray, and adjust transmitted distance. For large clouds/haze, distance should be 50 or so. For small stuff, 1-3. Ish.


    The big problem with this approach and Iray volumes in general is that you really need some kind of exponent on the 'density' of the effect; it's linear, so you almost always see a line at the edge of the volume.

  • AngelmanAngelman Posts: 42

    It may be that if the shaders are 3dl and they are being converted, then the transmap or cutout opacity settings are being lost durring the conversion.

    Check the opacity/cutout opacity in the surface materials and make sure there is an image and the slider is adjusted appropriately.

    So when I used 3delight it worked fine..I guess when I am using smoke or fog I will just use the 3d option to do the render. Thanks !

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