Strange things are afoot and the Circle K

I did some unorthodox modeling on these Canopy objects in HEXAGON and when I am working on them in Carrara 8 Pro I see some strange SHADING on them and I bet thats not a good thing?
Can anyone tell me WHY carrara is show me this strange surface effect? If it is a modeling ISSUE I need to figure out what the issue is and how to fix it?

1046 x 853 - 469K
Post edited by richard.chaos_91798ec102 on
Looks like you have some creased edges causing smoothing errors. Instead of using creased lines, try put in some extra beveling along those edges. It's quite common in meshes where the flow is smooth and changes to a hard edge or some other angled configuration. Happens in all 3D software modeling that I've used.
Looks like you've flipped your normals, Boyo ;-)