hexagon to 3d model plans
Posts: 4
hi all i love using daz3d and just started experimenting with Hexagon, i also have a love of building R/C model planes and would like to know if i can use Hexagon for importing a .obj and then making plans from this so i can build a plane
any help is appreciated
photo is of the plane i wish to build
Dassault Super Etendard (2).jpg
1024 x 694 - 111K
you would need to have top, side, front, back, bottom in orthographic view
an untriangulated mesh
to do this select the outline edges for print needed and extract curve (menu: Tools > Lines > Extract Curve)
any triangulated polygons need to be deleted
make from each side needed a copy of the aircraft and repeat curve extraction for each top, side, back, front, bottom
go into preferences: Edit > Preference Editor > 3D Display Tab > Advanced > Anti-aliasing checkbox selected
choose for example as first print the top view, orbit around the aircraft that you almost view it from top
at the very bottom of the 3D Viewport is a toolbar
click the third icon from the right to left - this will allow you to switch back and forth between orthographic and perspective view
use for each side of the aircraft orthographic view
once you have the top view for example choose the very first icon from the bottom toolbar of the viewport - hover with your mouse over the icon and the tooltip should read
"save current view as image file"
this will allow you to save the viewport in orthographic mode as a image - you should choose PNG as there is little loss due to compression
do this for each view needed and print them out
if the resolution is too small you might consider constructing the aircraft from scratch in a CAD software like LibreCAD which is free of charge
another probably easier method would be to download the blueprint from the blueprints website
search for your aircraft and download it and print it out
Dassault Super Etendard
you need to create an account to download
here you go