Classic long hair with dforce - need help

culannmacculannmac Posts: 48


I just purchased this yesterday and have spent hours trying to get it it to do anything than variations of poof hair.


Supposedly there's tutorial videos. I can't find them. I've experimented blindly with multiple settings without success. I assume this was beginner friendly. It's not. I certainly can't get the hair to look like the promo pics. I might as well try hand modeling regular hair. Is there any support information, tutorials etc? I haven't found any basic "how to anywhere". It's just frustrating to spend this kind of money for nothing.

Post edited by culannmac on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    The movies are in a separate package, and I think must be installed via DIM.

  • culannmacculannmac Posts: 48

    The movies are in a separate package, and I think must be installed via DIM.

    Thanks! I found them.


  • culannmacculannmac Posts: 48
    edited May 2018

    Hair still looks the same. Is there some secret simulation setting I'm missing? So far, it's been watch the tutorial, do exactly what's done in the vid and hit simulate. Watch the train wreck, delete hair and start over.

    Post edited by culannmac on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Can you post an image or two of what is going wrong. I use the hair a lot, and have yet to have an issue.

  • culannmacculannmac Posts: 48

    I figured it out. I had enlarged my figure for close camera work. The dforce simulations script doesn't work very well with enlarged figures. Once I reduced the figure to 100 percent everything worked fine. My apologies to the developer. The hair looks great!

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    @culannmac " I had enlarged my figure for close camera work"

    Why not just move or zoom  the camera. Use a longer focal length etc.

  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179
    fastbike1 said:

    @culannmac " I had enlarged my figure for close camera work"

    Why not just move or zoom  the camera. Use a longer focal length etc.

    There. You said it.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Another problem with using scale; light reacts in a certain way with objects, scaling up (and down) can have adverse effects on how light reacts; it can result in unexpected results.

  • Hi, I also just purchased this product and cannot find the instruction videos either. They are not in the DIM manifest so I have no idea where to get them from.

    Can somebody advise where they can be downloaded from?


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