Gallery Submission Size Requirements

What are the size requirements for image submssion to one's Gallery?  My test file, rather large, was rejected.  Thanks.


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I am pretty sure it is 5MB. My typical 4K DAZ renders are saved as png format files and they typically exceed 5MB so I convert them to jpg format between 10 - 12 quality settings depending on how much smaller it makes the file. Sometimes I have to use 10 quality setting as higher quality settig cause the file to be still bigger than 5MB

  • PiratesMoonPiratesMoon Posts: 27

    Thanks for the info.  I'm very sure I exceeded the limits. It's always a conundrum weighing the png vs. jpg resolution issue. I like png resolution better, but...I can see why compression is a necessity for sites as graphics intensive as the Gallery. Most of what I do these days is intended for iPad Retina screens so I generally export for 144dpi png which when compressed on a @2x retina, dimensionally resizes in half but goes to 288ppi. Pretty big files when full screen. Thanks again.

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