Fully functional corrective morphs DAZ to MAYA

davidvacekdavidvacek Posts: 3

Hi Daz comunity!
I am now looking into importing Daz rigged model to Maya. And Can't find the way how to properly export character with correct skin weighting. It is partially baked, but as can be seen on images, in Maya I am missing corrective blendshape for bended back Shin bone more than 90 degrees...
I can bring not baked morph targets from Daz to Maya and connect it by myself with set driven key/ expression editor, but if there is a way how to get it export correctly, wil save lot of time!

daz to maya corrective Morph targets not applied


























Thank you for the Help!

Post edited by davidvacek on


  • davidvacekdavidvacek Posts: 3

    I wanted to try this plugin DazToMaya... but looks like it does even worse job then exporting manualy :D which is realy sad that they want money for something that does crappy job...

  • davidvacekdavidvacek Posts: 3

    OK I found one free plugin for Maya that does great job bringing in automaticly rigged model from DAZ...
    It actually imports native DAZ .duf files....
    In Maya it creates either Maya HIK or also you can chose custom rig setup done by the author of the plugin - Zewt. Thank you alot for this...also automaticly rotates joints from DAZ  to correctly create HIK Characterisation...

    But doesn't solve the corrective morphs... :(

    if someone interested here is the plugin for Maya

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