Has anyone else seen read of watched anything about this iconic look called STEAMPUNK? Someone sent me a link to some people that build dress and act in a matter called steampunk!
The look is BEGGING for 3D Animation.
Very mechanical and Victorian. Lots of brass and extra unneeded doodads.
Yeah, it's has been a fad for quite a few years. There used to be a few dedicated 3D Modeling Websites that did excusively SteamPunk; not sure they exist anymore.
Well okay I must of missed the memo on STEAMPUNK but Promise me you will send me a message about the NEXT Iconic retro fad PELASE
Hi Richard :)
Have you tried going to the store and typing "Steampunk" into the search box :) there's a lot of stuff there.
bit of fun from a few years ago
everything modelled in car or anim8or from memory,
rendered in car
My attempt at Steampunk,using Vue and Carrara mostly: