Genesis Figures into Carrara?

protovuprotovu Posts: 194
edited June 2018 in Carrara Discussion

Anyone have any luck with this? I am getting an "unable to...." message when trying to open a Genisis figure in Carrara.

I have been using Victoria and Michael 4 since the Pliestocene.

Maybe there is a way to do this through Daz?  


Post edited by protovu on


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    How are you trying to load the figure?

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Genesis through Genesis 2 will work in Carrara. I understand Genesis 3 might work with extra steps, or some kind of plugin or something. I haven't tried so I have no idea how.

  • ProPoseProPose Posts: 531

    Wightout knowing all of the details, are you loading the base Genesis figure, ar a figure that requires the Genesis figure.  The "Unable to..." message comes up if Carrara can't find a required .dsf file for the figure

  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194

    Hi Evil,, Hi Pro,

    I have been trying to load the Genesis Base Male and Female Figures.

    error: Carrara was unable to import Genesis 2 Base Female.cr2.

    Thanks for responding.  Hmmm.


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    make sure you load from the correct tab

    Content Tab--- My DAZ 3D Library----People----Genesis----Characters

    sounds like your trying to load from the smart tab or poser content. smiley

  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194
    edited June 2018

    By Golly, that was it! Wrong tab.  The mistaken tab was working for the Victoria and Michael figures, so I thought I was in the right area.

     Thank you, Stezza.

    Post edited by protovu on
  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194

    Quick question:::Seems the Genesis eyelids do not follow the eye movements.  For example, looking down with the eyes, the lids  not accompany.

    Not so with Victoria. Am I missing, or not seeing a morph somewhere?


  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194
    protovu said:

    Quick question:::Seems the Genesis eyelids do not follow the eye movements.  For example, looking down with the eyes, the lids  not accompany.

    Not so with Victoria. Am I missing, or not seeing a morph somewhere?


    Working now,,,,,,Not sure why. Interesting.

  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194

    Another basic Genesis question: Embarrased to ask, but can't find pupil dilation morph control, nor iris size. Can anyone point me to them?

    Thanks for your help,


  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,824
    edited June 2018
    protovu said:

    Another basic Genesis question: Embarrased to ask, but can't find pupil dilation morph control, nor iris size. Can anyone point me to them?

    Thanks for your help,


    Depending on that you have those morphs installed:-

    First of all click on Actor in the Instances-Scene tab. Next click on the Parameters tab.

    Click on the the double arrow icon in the parameters tab to bring up the menu.

    Scroll all the way down to eyes and click on it.

    Then scroll down to Eye Iris size

    Then scoll down to Pupil Dilate.


    Eye Morph Location.png
    2272 x 1042 - 2M
    Eye Iris Size.png
    2276 x 1037 - 2M
    Eyes Pupil Dilate.png
    2281 x 1042 - 2M
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194
    edited June 2018

    Thank you, Bunyip. So kind of you to take the time to put the images together. I actually was following the steps you describe, but as you can see, compared to your choices, mine are pretty limited. Not sure why.


     Any ideas on that appreciated. If I am really stuck, I can make my own pupil dilation, as it is a pretty simple morph.

    With the Head selected, I do have a few more eye related morphs  (second image).


    missing morphs.jpg
    922 x 915 - 97K
    252 x 635 - 18K
    Post edited by protovu on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    you haz the evolution head morphs?   was separate from the base essentials

  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194

    I don't.

    I will have to look into it, thanks. 

  • I always open figures in daz studio and than import to carrara or open in carrara, that works best for me.
    About V4/M4 i just open in carrara, add morphs and save it in the object tabs, so you can also put Genesis and Genesis 2 figures there for fast access to the basic figures

  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194
    edited June 2018

    Thanks, Chris. 

    Have you ever opened Genesis/Vic/Michael directly in Carrara? If so, what were the drawbacks for you?

    Post edited by protovu on
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