I'm looking for a way to zip around in the Scenes.

Sometimes it seems like it will take forever to back up or look from the top or bottom of a scene. I would like to know if there was something akin to a grid view change in Lightwave 3D.

I.E., I would like to be able to move the view or camera around in a scene quickly.


  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
    edited June 2018

    If you want to look from top, bottom, left, right, front, or back, you can do so quickly by just switching your viewport from Perspective View to one of those orthogonal view modes.

    For some probably very good reason, the camera in those modes doesn't really pass through or by anything, so if you have a set, you may have to hide it, or else its parts will block whatever you're actually trying to see. I find the orthogonal views most useful when I'm in Lit Wireframe mode so that seeing through buildings and furniture is no problem.

    Post edited by Inkubo on
  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    I start turning the middle wheel of my mouse and it takes forever to backup in views: left, right, top,etc ALL of them. I know I have seen tutorials in which the Professional doing it, manages to zip in and out etc. But thanks though.

  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    I think relating to this (at least in Lightwave3D) is the size of the display of a light or camera in the scene.  Depends on the grid (whether the display of the imaginary grid is 1 meter, or 10 meters or 100 meters) the light, or camera is bigger or smaller in kind.

  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    There is a way to edit a post?

    I think relating to this (at least in Lightwave3D) is the size of the display of a light or camera in the scene.  This depends on the grid (whether the display of the imaginary grid is 1 meter, or 10 meters or 100 meters) the light, or camera is bigger or smaller in kind.

    I have a light that is bigger than the object in one scene yet is "normaly" sized in another.

  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    I am able to zoom, scroll, or pan faster or slower depending on WHAT?  The answer is right in front of me I'm sure.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841
    edited June 2018

    There is a way to edit a post?

    Click the gear icon at top-right of the post

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    Thanks Richard. And... D'oh!

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited June 2018

    What about using Ctrl+F to frame selected - you may have to select smaler parts (click a second time) to "frame" them, this depends on the size of the bounding box I think.

    You can quickly aling the Perspective View by clicking on some corner, edge or side face of the camera cube at the top right in the viewport.

    At the bottom of the Customize dialouge you can change the Mouse Button Modifies for the viewport navigation to Dolly or Zoom (Dolly) by changing the shortcut to maybe Alt+MiddleMouse so you drag the mouse instead having to turn the wheel all the time for zooming.

    The one navigation control is called Dolly (will let you pan and zoom by mouse dragging) the other is called Zoom (Dolly) to only zoom on the current axis of the view.

    You can acces these navigation controls in the Tool Settings pane with the Scene Navigator tool active.

    I once made a picture for all scene navigation controls.


    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    That is a very good graphics you made.  Insufficient words, but thanks loads. (Focal Zoom! Yes!)

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