A couple of tut re-ups, Scifi items and textures ...

patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
edited December 1969 in Freebies

A couple of making clothing tutorials were re-upped. n.b. the information is a little dated and may not all apply to D/S4.x.

One set of 2 textures.

Some thin Andorian type antennae for V4 including a custom morph. [made pre D/S4.x]

And one item I came across that I don't recall ever getting up the nerve to release ... so the big ears are a .cr2, size for M4, but is an independently rigged item. So parent it to the figure's head. It may or not work with other figures. It is not as Ferengi as I'd like, but it's a start.

All in my DA Gallery.
I realize that one has to be a member in order to leave comments in there but as far as I know, anybody can download my stuff.
IF you wish to comment, please feel free to do so in this [or any relevant] Daz3D thread.


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