Need help for E/S error

Hello all,
I apologize for my bad english, but i'll try to explain my problem.
I used Hexagon on my old PC and export to carrara extension. When i opened my file in Carrara, there was no problem.
Since i installed hexagon and carrrara on my new pc, i meet a problem of import with this message : E/S error of import (E/S une erreur s'est produite en executant importer - en français)
Did you meet this problem and how did you fix it ?
Thx for your help !!!
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Moved to Carrara Discussion as it's more likely to be seen by people who know the answer there.
Hi. When they updated Hexagon, they broke the Carrara file format in the export from Hexagon. You will have to use obj or similar to export to Carrara. This is a known issue and much discussed on the Hexagon forum. Please fill out a support ticket for Hexagon. Ask that the file format save be fixed in Hexagon. This is a hexagon mistake, not a Carrara mistake. Find more on the hexagon forum. Sorry to send you back after Richard sent you here, but the relevant threads for the Hex public beta are on the Hex forum.
Here is a related thread on the Hex forum.
i see some of those folks save in Hex format, open in old hex, then save in Carrara format
ok, thx Richard & cie !
Hexagon updated today....
but the bug not yet fixed ..

Is it supposed to be in our DIM list? I'm not seeing anything.
Thank you.
It's not a bug. It's a feature!
well actually it is a bug, they forgot to remove the disabled export option
sadly I now think Carrara's days are limited
it is an awesome app and I really am going to struggle using anything else though I am dabbling a bit in Blender,
Hexagon now has a 64bit but I have never found it as intuative and is only a modeler
Blender is the only thing that compares to Carrara in the scope of what it can do but so damn difficult to grasp the interface.