Adrianna V6, coming soon (Commercial)

Just finished the new girl for V6 up...

708 x 1000 - 357K

708 x 1000 - 366K

708 x 1000 - 471K

708 x 1000 - 515K

708 x 1000 - 417K
wow she 's impressive !
Now I'm Feeling it.
May have to get V6..!!!!
Oh wow. These days I've been trying to get less characters but I'm definitely getting this.
Does she actually require V6 or will she work with G2F? Specifically what UV set is she using?
Thank you!! :)
Good!! Then my work here is done!!! :D
Actually...I have another one on the way... :)
You need a few good characters for each just look at it as rounding out your collection. :D
I'm pretty sure she requires V6. If you were asking me these questions about Poser, then I wouldn't have a problem answering. But since 3 weeks ago I couldn't even tell you where the cameras or lights were in Studio, I'm not completely sure how to answer this question. The UV set 'says' Victoria 6 at the top of the Surfaces tab and it was Victoria 6 I intended to work with.
I basically gave myself a crash course in Studio and character creation in Studio to create the character and renders in Studio over the last few weeks...
Gorgeous, can't wait!
I'm pretty sure she requires V6. If you were asking me these questions about Poser, then I wouldn't have a problem answering. But since 3 weeks ago I couldn't even tell you where the cameras or lights were in Studio, I'm not completely sure how to answer this question. The UV set 'says' Victoria 6 at the top of the Surfaces tab and it was Victoria 6 I intended to work with.
I basically gave myself a crash course in Studio and character creation in Studio to create the character and renders in Studio over the last few weeks...
If your character is using V6 UVs and/or using the V6 shape for G2F, then V6 is required.
Thanks!! :)
If your character is using V6 UVs and/or using the V6 shape for G2F, then V6 is required.
Well, that would be it, then. :) Yes, she needs to have V6.
Another render...
She doesn't really have very many clothes...yet. :)
Very nice :) Looks like a must buy for me.
For what it's worth, that is pretty impressive. I doubt that I could be in this state in Poser in that short of a time frame. Appreciate the effort you put into this :)
WoW!! She is wonderful! Beautiful work! :)
Wow she is certainly beautiful! Its wonderful to see your talent extend to Genesis - I am looking forward eagerly to what you may have planned for M5 or the hopefully upcoming Genesis 2 male - your characters are all fantastic and so well made - Looking forward to Adrianna, thanks so much for designing her :) -Cathy
Oh boy. She looks beautiful!
For what it's worth, that is pretty impressive. I doubt that I could be in this state in Poser in that short of a time frame. Appreciate the effort you put into this :)
Oh, thanks...every once in a while I think challenge is good. Besides, if I'm gonna keep up, I need to learn everything I can about my craft. I'll still work with V4 and M4, but I'm not gonna rule out the G2 models...I didn't work with the G1, but that's because I couldn't stabilize Studio on my system. It was crashing every few minutes. Now it just crashes a few times a day. :)
Thank you, very much!!
Impressive girl, she looks beautiful!
Thank you!! That was very's comments like yours that makes all the frustration worthwhile. And there was a LOT of it with this character and learning what I needed to do for Studio. I've got the Poser workflow down to almost where I can do it without thinking about it---but this I had to be present 110% of the time. So it was interesting...
I'm excited about the upcoming things I have for the Genesis 1 Male models. :) M5 will be the first one I roll out---and he's already looking too hawt to handle and I have a Freak 5 on the drawing board... So fun stuff with the new generation of Gypsy Boys... :D
Thank you, SO much!! :D
Thanks!! :D
Here's another render of Basic Black...
What a lovely model. Does she have a SSS texture in DS?
Oh, I didn't see this...yes. in addition to her regular skin maps, she has SSS maps that are utilized in her default textures...
She's passed testing and is waiting for store installers now. :)
Now I will have to buy V6. Your characters are must-haves! Adrianna is quite lovely.
She's teh hottage :) Will definitely get her :cheese:
amazing character ... she looks so impressive :)
Oh, thank you!! :D That's very sweet of you to say...
I think you'll like her---she's a lot of fun... :)