Completely Hopeless and Frustrated... 3rd Party Content Help

I don't know what to do, I'm literally in tears. I've spent the last maybe 5 hours trying to get this to work and I'm at my wits end. I have spent $40 USD and have nothing to show for it.

I bought this and this. The reson I bought the V4 and M4 Shapes for Genesis is because the Canidae Wolf Bundle said in the readme:

© Sparky's Productions

Thank you for purchasing Canidae Wolf V4 Expansion.

Texture expansion for Canidae Wolf V4. Includes four more types of anthro wolves for your runtime.


Packing List:

...Runtime/libraries/pose/Sparky/Canidae V4/
   Wolf MAT black Paws.ds
   Wolf MAT black Paws.png
   Wolf MAT black Paws.pz2
   Wolf MAT black.ds
   Wolf MAT black.png
   Wolf MAT black.pz2
   Wolf MAT buff Paws.ds
   Wolf MAT buff Paws.png
   Wolf MAT buff Paws.pz2
   Wolf MAT buff.ds
   Wolf MAT buff.png
   Wolf MAT buff.pz2
   Wolf MAT carpatian Paws.ds
   Wolf MAT carpatian Paws.png
   Wolf MAT carpatian Paws.pz2
   Wolf MAT carpatian.ds
   Wolf MAT carpatian.png
   Wolf MAT carpatian.pz2
   Wolf MAT white Paws.ds
   Wolf MAT white Paws.png
   Wolf MAT white Paws.pz2
   Wolf MAT white.ds
   Wolf MAT white.png
   Wolf MAT white.pz2


...Sparky Readme/

Poser 6 or Higher/DAZ|Studio 4 or higher
The following products:
- Victoria 4 Base (Available from

Installation and Usage Instructions:

-Unzip to your desired poser runtime.
-Load Victoria 4 into your scene, and apply the included MAT/INJ poses.


If you have any problems, questions, or feedback, feel free to contact me at


You may use this product in renders, commercial or non-commercial.
The content of this package may not be redistributed, sold, or copied in any way. 


This product is copyrighted © 2012 Sparky's Productions.

Thank you for purchasing the Canidae Wolf V4 Expansion!

I didn't see until just now that you can buy just the Victoria 4.2 base, and not the pack which is over $100. I can't get a refund on the V4 morph so I'm stuck with it, unfortunately. Is there something anyone knows to help me get the Canidae morph to work? I am completely new to Daz3D; I know little to nothing. I've read up and watched videos on how to install custom content (copying files into directories and whatnot) and I can get the skins to work but not the head and leg morphs. I feel completely lost and bereft.

Please help me. I was needing this model to use with my commission work, and I can't really afford to lose $40 for nothing.

Thank you.


  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Daz is very good about product returns. Has it been more than 30 days? If not, did you try logging a ticket to customer support to return it?

    The good news is that victoria 4.2 isn't that expensive when on sale. For example, the entire starter bundle with 4.2 base included was less than $7 just a week ago:

  • eriray076eriray076 Posts: 0
    Toonces said:

    Daz is very good about product returns. Has it been more than 30 days? If not, did you try logging a ticket to customer support to return it?

    The good news is that victoria 4.2 isn't that expensive when on sale. For example, the entire starter bundle with 4.2 base included was less than $7 just a week ago:

    Thank you very much for replying! I only just bought it today, so I'm going to try putting in a ticket. The creator of the custom content is also being very helpful, so there's hope yet! Also, I did end up just buying Victoria 4.2, so I really hope I can get my money back for the morphs! >o<

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