Ultimate Eyebrows replaces skin with base g8 skin.

I cannot remove eyebrow texture from any skin without replacing the characters skin with G8 base skin. I tried to open up the supplement.dsx but Adobe Acrobat could not open because it is either not supported or damaged, I downloaded manually and tried to open but it just won't.  Could somebody provide a link to a guide on Ultimate Eyebrows or explain how I can remove the textured  eyebrows and keep the models default skin?


  • Hoplite490Hoplite490 Posts: 90

    My Adobe Acrobat version is up to date.

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    dsx files are text files.Right click your dsx file and open it with Word Pad, notepad, or any other text editor. I've never had much luck with Acrobat, which is for PDF files, even opening PDF files.

    I don't use that particular eyebrow remover, so I'm afraid I can't be much help with that one. I use Brow Remover which makes LIE masks in one click using the original textures. Then I can pretty much use what ever eyebrows I want.


    and my favorite brows to work with


  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    In fairness the product description says the modelled brows are suited to characters that come with a no-brows option, and that the G8F no-brow preset is just a bonus. I don’t believe this product is intended as a brow remover. For that you would need something like the brow remover product or to edit the maps yourself in an image editor. 

  • Hoplite490Hoplite490 Posts: 90

    Thank you both for your responses. I read the description to fast and thought that the remover worked like the brow remover I have for G3, my fault there. Thank you in regards to the info on the .dsx.


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