One of my custom categories has vanished from CMS. (Solved)

lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

I was adding things to my custom catergory called "Shapes", and then my shapes category vanished.

I certainly didn't issue any delete commands of any sort.

Is there a way to get my custom "Shapes" catergory back?

Post edited by lukon100 on


  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818
    edited June 2018

    The only ways I can imagine to explain why my "Shapes" category is gone is that I either deleted, renamed, or moved the category. But all three of those options require me to alt-click on the "Shapes" word to summons a menu window where I can execute one of those commands. But I had not accessed that pop-up menu window at all for any reason on any item in CMS for at least 30 minutes prior to my most recent accessing of the "Shapes" category.

    The only remaing explanations are bugs in the software.

    This being the case, I'm losing confidence in CMS. Maybe it deleted other categories too - that I have not yet noticed are missing.


    Post edited by lukon100 on
  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,317

    I have accidently dragged catagories into the ones next to it without touching ALT or using menus. Check the folders either side and see if that happened and drag back. After I finish catagorising for the day I always export the user data - then if anything goes wrong I can restore to that point - okay you might have lost some work but not have to find and recatagorising everything again.

  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

    Thanks so much, 3DdreaMeg!

    I did not know that moving a category could be done by drag-n-drop.

    I found my  "Shapes" category as a sub-category of my "Scenes " category about 4 items up.

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,317

    Glad you got it sorted smiley

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