Michael 7 is Broken

melaniemelanie Posts: 795

This is actually a two-fold issue. I'll address my poor broken Michael 7 first.

When I load Michael 7 or any character made off of him, such as Mateo, etc., he comes in as the generic Genesis 3 Male without Michael's body and head features. When I look at the parameter dials, it shows Michael 7 is dialed up to 100l%, which isn't true. Every other character loads just fine. It seems that it's only Michael 7 who won't behave. I tried deleting him and reinstalling him, but to no avail. I tend to use more Genesis 8 figures lately, but I do still use Genesis 3 for certain characters I use regularly, so this is a problem.

My other problem might be related, but I'm not sure. When I open DAZ Studio, I don't get the intro screen that asks me if I want to work online or off line. Everything was fine yesterday morning. It was yesterday evening when I noticed these things happening.

I don't want to put in a ticket until I know there's no easy fix for this and there are so many DAZ pros out there who know how to fix almost everything, so I wanted to try this first. I'm reluctnat to uninstall DAZ Studio and reinstall it because I've had problems in the past when I did this. Does anyone out there have an explanation for this? I've had a lot of problems with DAZ Studio for the past couple of months now, so I don't know if it's the software or if it's just some "dumb blonde" thing I've done to break it.

Thanks for any help you might have.

Post edited by melanie on


  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    I just tried an experiment. I downloaded Michael 7 and manually installed him. This did not fix the problem. He's still broken.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Load the figure, then go to Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File, scroll to the end and look back to see if there are any errors or warnings relating to Michael 7. There will almost certainly be some unable to find target messages - hook-ups for corrective morphs that are tied to other moprhs you don't have installed; ignore anything that looks like it relates to a product you don't have installed.

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    Thanks, Richard, for responding. Here's a screen shot of the bottom of my log.

    DAZ M7 Log.PNG
    1664 x 949 - 72K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    The only oddity is the empty id message, and that comes before loading Michael 7.

    How did you initially install - Connect or DIM?

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795
    edited June 2018

    I installed it through DIM originally, but then I tried to uninstall and reinstall to see if that would help, it didn't work, so I downloaded the file and manually installed. I didn't think of installing through Connect. I decided to try Connect, so I uninstalled him again and now I can't install him through Connect because there's something weird about it. Here's another screen shot. It has a dotted line around it and it won't let me click on it. He's really messed up.

    Connect Items.JPG
    657 x 740 - 79K
    Post edited by melanie on
  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    Here's another mystery about Michael 7. I have him uninstalled right now, however, he's showing in the Content Library. How can that be? I think my DAZ Studio is possessed.

    Michael 7 in Content Library.JPG
    412 x 515 - 43K
  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,500
    melanie said:

    Here's another mystery about Michael 7. I have him uninstalled right now, however, he's showing in the Content Library. How can that be? I think my DAZ Studio is possessed.

    Try to re-unistall again (DIMand Connect deinstall different files so I think you have a conflict).... If that Iicon is still showing up, then it really isn't uninstalled.  Before you do that, right-click and browse to file location tro see what is really there.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Uninstalled how? It does look as if the metadata is messed up - the U at tht etop corner means it's "user data", soemthing (according to the database) that you categorised yourself.

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    If I uninstall Michael and check to see if the metadata is still there, should I delete the metadata and then reinstall Michael?

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795
    edited June 2018

    I uninstalled through DIM. It seems to be installed in the right place. I have all my content on an external hard drive. I've never deinstalled through Connect. How do I do that?

    Post edited by melanie on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    If you right-click on the product (Products tab of Smart Content or folder in the Products list in Content Library) you will see either Install or Uninstall. If it says Install that isn't isntalled, if it says Uninstall select that (and restart DS, just to be safe).

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    He doesn't show in Smart Content, only in the Content Library. I don't see either Install or Uninstall. I see Delete. Is that the same thing? I've never had a reason to do this before, so I'm really not sure what I'm doing.

    I appreciate your patience.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    No, delete is a file operation and will delete the actual file. Are you looking for the entry (folder name) in the products list in the Content Library pane (assuming you have Products and Categories lists there)?

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    He doesn't show up in either Categories or Products. Under Products, it shows only the grayed out one with the U in the corner. If I right click on it, all that comes in is Install. The only other one that's in there is the HD Add On.

    So, let me ask this: what would happen if I delete the metadata, then reinstall Michael through DIM? Or is that only going to make matters worse? As I've mentioned earlier, I've never had a reason to do this. I've never had a character go into a coma like this before. I just want my Michael 7 back.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Back up your current database (with DS, DIM etc. closed and PostgreSQL not running go to C:/Users/You/AppData/Roaming/Daz 3d/cms/ and back up the ContentCluster folder) before doing that.

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    Even if I delete Michael 7's metadata only, not the entire folder? This sounds complicated and sort of scary. Before I installed Michael 7 for the very first time when I bought him back when he was first released, his metadata wasn't even in my computer yet until I installed him. If I delete his only, then reinstall him, do I have to do all that?

    I'm sorry if I'm a nuisance. I've just never had this issue before.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Removing just the Michael 7 metadata should be safe, but it's a good diea to back up the database anyway.

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    I tried it and reinstalled Michael 7, but he's still broken. I even tried bringing in the generic G8M and applying M7 sliders, but those don't work. He's still just G8M. I wonder why it singled him out. None of the other characters are affected. I can still use him on my old computer, but it's really slow and not NVIDIA GeForce. What's unfortunate is that I have several characters made off of Michael 7 and I can't use those either. This may be hopeless.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321

    How is it installed now? Manually or with DIM? I'm thinking from switching between the two trying to get it to work has caused a conflict.

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    I used DIM this time. I tried manual install a few days ago, but nothing seems to work. I even tried deleting M7's metadata and having it instll fresh, but nothing is working. The odd thing is that, the day this happened, it worked perfectly in the morning, but later in the day, it just stopped working and hasn't worked since.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321

    Did you do any updates to anything before it stopped working? At this point you may want to submit a tech support ticket and see if they can troubleshoot it.

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    No updates. I probably should put in a ticket. I wanted to give this forum a try first. Thanks to each of you for trying to help. I may have to dig out my old computer. It still works, just not as good as this one.


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