What's a Unimesh Fit and more?
I've seen regular V4 fits for a product such as happy camper for V4 then I see Happy Camper Unimesh fits.
I'm not sure which one I should buy? I thought all Gen 4 gals could wear the same clothing as V4.
Could someone please explain the difference and which would be a better buy?
Not all V4 clothing has all the morphs built-in. The Unimesh version is an add-on that adds extra morphs -- A4 always, the others can vary. The Unimesh version requires the base version.
the Gen 4 gals clothing need the morphs to be included for them. before the autofit, we had to buy the unimesh fits for the Girl4, V4's elite body morphs. She Freak4 was mostly out of luck.
another option was to buy Lyrra's magnet fits or D3d's Morphing clothes.
Hmmm, I understand. I was going to use this for a different character anyway but I sure wanted that camo texture that came with unimesh version.
One thing that nags at me is that the Unimesh version says it includes a cr2 but I just read that I need the original version as well. It's a bit confusing. A cr2 means that it's figure so why do I need the original, (unless it was v4 anyway)?
By the way, D3D's Morph installer was one of the first buys I ever made and It's been invaluable!
The Unimesh fits includes a .cr2 but no .obj
All Questions answered. It looks like 2 bucks for the original (Im a PC member) and then another 2 bucks if I wish that camo texture.
Not too bad!
Thanks for helping. I'm not a newbie anymore but I'm far from expert.
Especially for the Platinum Club items, I recommend buying the Unimesh Fit add-on for anything that has one... especially if you think you might want to use the product in Blender or some other 3D-art software some day.
She Freak very rarely.