Create a new camera based on Perspective view?

I have been wondering now for a while if such a thing is possible, as in: orient my Perspective View and then creat a camera which, from the get go, is positioned and aimed exactly the same.

Is there a way to achieve that trick?


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Tes, create te camera (by toolbvar icon or Create> New camera ..) and whrn the little dialog pops up click on the 'Show options' button .  When the dialog expands, check either the 'Apply Active View' or 'Apply Active View Transforms', then lcick Accept.

  • Thanks a lot, Simon! That did the trick. Dammit, it was right under my nose all this time, too! If I had longer legs, I'd give myself a good kick in the arse.

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